In today's rapidly changing healthcare and health focus culture the "not yet fit" are being encouraged at every turn to engage positive lifestyle change to improve their health and wellbeing. Many of the current epidemic of lifestyle related ills can either be prevented through exercise and effective nutritional intake or at the very least minimized. Folks who have already been afflicted can improve their quality of life significantly through exercise and effective nutritional reform. Fact or speculation? FACT.
Who has the best chance to educate, motivate and lead these "not yet fit" populations to true success in these venues of lifestyle modification? Any business that engages safe and effective exercise is at the top of the list. CNN can file reports that exercise does not help anyone lose weight or gain health benefits, but that is false. Some easily disputable findings released and an international news giant runs to print it to the detriment of those who need help the most. The "not yet fit"!
Exercise is now being touted as "medicine". What a great conceptualization! However, for anyone to tout exercise as "medicine" and continue to lack the understanding of what it really takes to educate, motivate and lead the "not yet fit" to true lifestyle change through exercise is really no different than the "old school" health club model which baited "not yet fit" folks to join and then was hopeful they would never show up again.
The "Old School" Model = 1 not yet fit person + high pressure sales + false hope = failure for the "not yet fit"
Now, the "school of false assumptions" is luring the "not yet fit" to join their businesses through a different, but still failure driven model. At the same time, touting "exercise is medicine".
The "School of False Assumptions" Model = 1 "not yet fit" person + false claims that a free fitness evaluation/free fitness assessment/free session with a personal trainer will enable success = failure for the "not yet fit"
Fact or speculation?
Prove it? Okay. If you subscribe to the "school of false assumptions" model here is your challenge:
1. Analyze active participation by % of new members who have joined since January of 2010
2. Analyze the level of activity of those who are now dropping out due to the "economy" as they say
3. Analyze how many already fit or regular exercisers are dropping out now because of the "economy"
Analysis will prove that folks who never got started exercising are the ones who are dropping out. This despite a virtual promise to help. You know..."exercise is medicine".
So which is more egregious? To sell a "not yet fit" person a membership with no hope that they will use it or to sell a "not yet fit" person a membership with false hope that never materializes?
The beginnings of true change to educate, motivate and lead the "not yet fit" can only happen when the focus is on REAL success planning for that person that is being offered hope. The "not yet fit" are not yet fit due to a vicious cycle of repeated failures. They "hope" and "wish" for success but have a deep seated fear and expectation of failure. That is why it is so easy for a predatory approach like the "old school" to take their money and run.
False Assumptionology (the foundational thinking within the school of false assumptions):
1. Front desk - The fitness staff, personal trainers and group exercise (aerobic) instructors must be certified and maintain that certification during employment. That's good! How about the front desk? You know...the department that has far and away the most daily interactions with members, prospects, dignitaries, press or whomever enters the facility? What certification is required of them? NONE. In fact...most front desk staff have little understanding of most if any of the offerings made to new "not yet fit" members and how important it is to exceed their expectations every day they enter the club.
2. Membership sales related staff - No certification and little effective training. In fact most wellness/fitness facilities use cross-responsibility (staff that do multiple jobs) staff to do membership sales in a false assumption that this technique will save money in the budget! FALSE! The net result is poorly trained staff reluctantly trying the get "not yet fit" folks to join. If exercise is "medicine" then that is a case of malpractice! The "not yet fit" person who ventures into the facility has a NEED to join and a greater NEED to succeed if they join! If they do not join...or worse yet...they join and fail, their deep seated fear of failure has been reinforced!
3. New member offerings - Imagining that a "free" fitness orientation or evaluation will somehow spontaneously and without warning create a regular exerciser where before there was none is ludicrous. The reason the "not yet fit" are not yet fit is because they are not yet in a success cycle. How do you create a success cycle for them? By understanding that it is not a "membership" that will make the difference for them, but a behavior modification!
4. Personal training - During the personal training certification process not one iota of business development strategy is offered. Simply how to deliver safe and effective prescriptive exercise for clients. Many businesses offer new "not yet fit" members an "exercise equipment orientation" under the truly false assumption that in a few sessions about equipment they will somehow overcome their long-term behavior of non-exercise and suddenly opine to work out everyday! Not only is this utterly false, but the business that does this deludes their own thinking into believing that this technique works. IT DOES NOT. See above analysis suggestions for quantifiable evidence to the contrary. Personal training must be delivered in a continuum for "not yet fit" populations if it is to be effective as behavior modification applications.
5. Group exercise (aerobics) - Personal training and group exercise are the two most important early engagement strategies in trying to educate, motivate and lead the "not yet fit" to lifestyle modification success. Group exercise should be engaged for all new members at the point of sale.
If there is to be real hope for the "not yet fit" then there there needs to be radical evolution in an industry that really can make a profound difference for those who need it the most. No more "old school". No more "school of false assumptions". Now? Join the evolution revolution through the GLH Open Systems management model that is designed for maximum success for both the "not yet fit" populations and also for the businesses who claim to want to serve them.
There are several options.
Regional business development through our current Regional Training Centers.
GREATER CHICAGO AREA - Upcoming seminar - "Pumpin' Up Your Personal Training" Seminar - June 10th ->
HARRISONBURG, VA - Upcoming seminar - "Pumpin' Up Your Personal Training" Seminar June 30th ->
GREATER CINCINNATI AREA - Upcoming seminar - Pump up your new membership sales, retention & personal training ->
GREATER AUGUSTA, GA area seminars -->
PERSONAL TRAINING - The Evolution Revolution; Business Development Manual/Power Point Presentation ->
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Or, call today: (865) 687-8554 for more information about on-site staff training and business development programs.
Or via e-mail:
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Greater Chicago Area - "Pumpin' up your personal training!"
"Maximum performance for the personal training staff"
Personal training business development seminar
Program Date: Thursday June 10, 2010
Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm
Deadline: Monday June 7, 2010
Program Location:
The Wellness Center
900 West Central Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Read about this beautiful wellness center! -->
About The Presenter
Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.
What will you and your staff team learn?
Personal training is an area that our industry has long underestimated. We require our personal trainers to have recognized personal training certifications, yet as an industry we have no expectation that they will know how to develop the clubs personal training business.
In this dynamic staff training program you and your staff will learn how to develop significant client increases while avoiding the stigma of “selling” personal training. Learn about the importance of benchmark performance standardization, performance tracking, developing a continuum of personal training for the “not yet fit” and how to create a comprehensive club culture designed for maximum personal training performance.
Learn how to create a dynamic relationship whereby your membership sales staff help educate, motivate and lead new members to your personal trainers in a manner that almost assures new client development.
Who Should Attend?
Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.
Registration Pricing: $129 per person
Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)
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Club or Business Name: ___________________________________
Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________
Business Phone #: ________________________
I have enclosed a check for $________________
Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources
Mail to:
CMRI - Perform-MAX Systems
P. O. Box 30891 * Knoxville, TN * 37930
OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option
Additional Attendees:
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Title: ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.
Call today to register! (865) 687-8554
Or E-Mail
Personal training business development seminar
Program Date: Thursday June 10, 2010
Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm
Deadline: Monday June 7, 2010
Program Location:
The Wellness Center
900 West Central Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Read about this beautiful wellness center! -->
About The Presenter
Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.
What will you and your staff team learn?
Personal training is an area that our industry has long underestimated. We require our personal trainers to have recognized personal training certifications, yet as an industry we have no expectation that they will know how to develop the clubs personal training business.
In this dynamic staff training program you and your staff will learn how to develop significant client increases while avoiding the stigma of “selling” personal training. Learn about the importance of benchmark performance standardization, performance tracking, developing a continuum of personal training for the “not yet fit” and how to create a comprehensive club culture designed for maximum personal training performance.
Learn how to create a dynamic relationship whereby your membership sales staff help educate, motivate and lead new members to your personal trainers in a manner that almost assures new client development.
Who Should Attend?
Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.
Registration Pricing: $129 per person
Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)
Your Name: _____________________________________________
Your Title: ______________________________________________
Your E-mail Address: _____________________________________
Club or Business Name: ___________________________________
Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________
Business Phone #: ________________________
I have enclosed a check for $________________
Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources
Mail to:
CMRI - Perform-MAX Systems
P. O. Box 30891 * Knoxville, TN * 37930
OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option
Additional Attendees:
1. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.
Call today to register! (865) 687-8554
Or E-Mail
Harrisonburg, VA - "Pumpin' up your personal training!"
"Maximum performance for the personal training staff"
Personal training business development seminar
Program Date: Wednesday June 30, 2010
Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm
Deadline: Friday June 25, 2010
Program Location:
RMH Wellness Center
501 Stone Spring Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Read about this beautiful wellness center! -->
About The Presenter Geoff Hampton
Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.
What will you and your staff team learn?
Personal training is an area that our industry has long underestimated. We require our personal trainers to have recognized personal training certifications, yet as an industry we have no expectation that they will know how to develop the clubs personal training business.
In this dynamic staff training program you and your staff will learn how to develop significant client increases while avoiding the stigma of “selling” personal training. Learn about the importance of benchmark performance standardization, performance tracking, developing a continuum of personal training for the “not yet fit” and how to create a comprehensive club culture designed for maximum personal training performance.
Learn how to create a dynamic relationship whereby your membership sales staff help educate, motivate and lead new members to your personal trainers in a manner that almost assures new client development.
Who Should Attend?
Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.
Registration Pricing: $129 per person
Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)
Your Name: _____________________________________________
Your Title: ______________________________________________
Your E-mail Address: _____________________________________
Club or Business Name: ___________________________________
Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________
Business Phone #: ________________________
I have enclosed a check for $________________
Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources
Mail to:
CMRI - Perform-MAX Systems
P. O. Box 30891 * Knoxville, TN * 37930
OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option
Additional Attendees:
1. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.
Call today to register! (865) 687-8554
Or E-Mail
Personal training business development seminar
Program Date: Wednesday June 30, 2010
Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm
Deadline: Friday June 25, 2010
Program Location:
RMH Wellness Center
501 Stone Spring Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Read about this beautiful wellness center! -->
About The Presenter Geoff Hampton
Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.
What will you and your staff team learn?
Personal training is an area that our industry has long underestimated. We require our personal trainers to have recognized personal training certifications, yet as an industry we have no expectation that they will know how to develop the clubs personal training business.
In this dynamic staff training program you and your staff will learn how to develop significant client increases while avoiding the stigma of “selling” personal training. Learn about the importance of benchmark performance standardization, performance tracking, developing a continuum of personal training for the “not yet fit” and how to create a comprehensive club culture designed for maximum personal training performance.
Learn how to create a dynamic relationship whereby your membership sales staff help educate, motivate and lead new members to your personal trainers in a manner that almost assures new client development.
Who Should Attend?
Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.
Registration Pricing: $129 per person
Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)
Your Name: _____________________________________________
Your Title: ______________________________________________
Your E-mail Address: _____________________________________
Club or Business Name: ___________________________________
Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________
Business Phone #: ________________________
I have enclosed a check for $________________
Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources
Mail to:
CMRI - Perform-MAX Systems
P. O. Box 30891 * Knoxville, TN * 37930
OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option
Additional Attendees:
1. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.
Call today to register! (865) 687-8554
Or E-Mail
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