Thursday, June 24, 2010

Net Membership Growth - The Model vs The Economy

Our Nation is in the grips of a stunning economic downturn. Realists have addressed the situation with zeal, renewed enthusiasm and have engaged counter measures to help offset the situation. They are not in denial.

The wellness and health club business has been hit especially hard in the attrition department and ancillary income streams. While some see steady new membership sales, the spike in attrition is crippling any hope for most in the all important performance barometer of positive net membership growth.

For the people who are in denial and are unable to see the truth of the issue it may be due to the debilitating conditions associated with the advanced stages of the condition known commonly as “Ostrich Effect” ( ). These afflicted folks proclaim that nothing is wrong and think that they simply need to "work harder". Something is clearly wrong, yet these impaired individuals perceive the opposite. If they do not wake up in time they put their business and their ability to serve their clients at risk.

Almost every industry has been seriously impacted by the effects of the economic climate. THAT is the truth. New business, retention of existing clients and other revenue streams have been negatively impacted for most business operators.

This impact has to do with economic conditions for sure. However, the bigger revelation is how under prepared most businesses have been through business modeling that was never designed to lead them to their true performance potential.

Two factors that have greatly contributed to performance potential actualization in this economic crisis;

1. Old School Clingology (Clingology is not a real word)

2. Advanced Utilization of False Assumptionology (Assumptionology is not a real word)

Old school clingologists have been convinced that "the way we have always done things" is still a viable counter measure to current market conditions. In other words, they still believe that doing things the same way as they always have will produce a different outcome. Einstein had a thought relative that form of bizarre thinking. He said it was a sign of insanity!

The school of false assumptionology is another failed business model. In the school of false assumptionology the business operator has created false notions about what success is or is not and in their mind their model is successful even in spite of obvious and quantifiable evidence to the contrary! I think Einstein's assumption is very applicable here also!

What this economic downturn has done more than anything else is to expose fraudulent business models that were supposedly designed for "success"! Look at how many wellness and health businesses are being crippled with crushing quarterly losses. Many have, under dire false assumptions cut their budget for staffing in a misguided effort to thwart losses. Some have falsely assumed that if there is a spike in attrition representing a decrease in total current memberships, then it makes sense to them to cut staffing. The truth? This false assumption reduces the level of customer service for the active members who are not yet dropping out, but as an unintended result, through the reduction in service delivery, attrition as actually fueled. It is incomprehensible to imagine what they must have been thinking prior to this stern test of performance potential.

Any business that is willing to engage some form of maximum performance methodology has at least managed to survive and many even thrive in this climate! How? By truly engaging the power that every business has...but so few effectively utilize.

For business that truly want to know how they are doing, they should employ a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis done by a professional business consultant so that the business can clearly identify why they are or are not sustaining success potential in this economy.

The foundation upon which any business is constructed is the starting point for true performance potential. Most business were built on the shifting sands of arrogance and under informed thought process. Shifting sand is washed away by the flood of economic downturn.

Strong foundations are built on the knowledge that a motivated staff team with a shared vision of success provides the only opportunity for maximum success. Then by engaging a motivated staff that works together in a synergistic manner the landscape evolves whereby maximum success potential is possible. Then the team must conjure up how to deliver previously unimaginable levels of customer service throughout every department...every day! Then effective goal setting, motivational support, performance benchmark standards in all departments and performance analysis enable the strong foundation in which to begin to build the maximally successful performance potential.

Then the business must shift their focus from new membership sales as the barometer to measure success to net membership growth. Net membership growth entails new membership sales, new member referrals (the number one source of new memberships), point of sale engagement into group exercise (aerobics), personal training and other behavior modification programs for the new member.

Help explode arrogance and denial that has crippled our economy and attack success solutions with strong and unflinching confidence. Something is wrong...but difference makers can change the landscape to a new and positive dimension in no time! As Nike says..."just do it"!

Don't continue to have your success potential and your members success potential limited by "old school" thinking and "false assumptions" that are blatantly and quantifiably FALSE! Join the evolution revolution through the GLH Open Systems management model that is designed for maximum success for both the "not yet fit" populations and also for the businesses who claim to want to serve them.


There are several options.

On-site Business Development - Our new "Results Assured" Business Development Program

Business development through our current Regional Training Centers.

GREATER CINCINNATI AREA - Tri-Health Fitness & Health Pavilion - Cincinnati, OH:

MS, AL, AR, LA - Baptist Healthplex - Clinton, MS:

GREATER CHICAGO AREA - NCH The Wellness Center - Arlington Heights, IL:

HARRISONBURG, VA - RMH Wellness Center - Harrisonburg, VA:

GREATER AUGUSTA, GA - Health Central - Augusta, GA

Personal Training - Effectively engaging the not yet fit in personal training ->

PERSONAL TRAINING - The Evolution Revolution; Personal Training Business Development Manual/Power Point Presentation ->

Membership Sales - The GLH Open Systems management Model Membership Sales Business Development Manual

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Or, call today: (865) 687-8554 for more information about on-site staff training and business development programs.

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* SPECIAL OFFER: Complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to evaluate your current performance limiters and determine a powerful pathway for you in order to maximize your true success potential. Call (865) 687-8554 today to arrange your complimentary consultation!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Greater Augusta, GA Area - Membership sales & retention seminar

"Maximum Performance - For the membership sales staff"

Membership Sales & Retention Development

Program Date: Thursday June 24, 2010

Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm

Registration Deadline: Friday June 18, 2010

Program Location:

Health Central
945 Broad Street
Augusta, GA 30901

Read about this wellness center -->

About The Presenter:

Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.

What will you and your staff team learn?

This seminar will educate, motivate and lead your staff toward maximum performance in both new membership sales and membership retention. While many clubs are experiencing some recent increased activity in new membership sales, most are seeing a significant increase in attrition.

This program engages The GLH Open System Management Model and demonstrates clearly how to increase new membership sales and retention through net membership growth.

This session includes performance benchmark standardization in key elements of new membership sales, performance tracking, goal setting, increased personal training and increased group exercise participation at the point of sale. This is not “theory”. This is maximum success through practical application of a proven system that works!

Who Should Attend?

Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.

Registration Pricing: $129 per person

Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)

Your Name: _____________________________________________

Your Title: ______________________________________________

Your E-mail Address: _____________________________________

Club or Business Name: ___________________________________

Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

Business Phone #: ________________________

I have enclosed a check for $________________

Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources

Mail to: P. O. Box 30891 * Knoxville, TN * 37930

OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option

Additional Attendees:

1. _________________________________________________

Title: ________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

Title: ________________________________________________

Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.

Call today to register! (865) 687-8554

Or E-Mail

MS, AL, LA, AR Area seminar - "Pumpin' up your personal training business"

"Maximum performance for the personal training staff"

Personal training business development seminar

Program Date: Thursday June 17, 2010

Time: 10:00am – 1:30pm

Registration Deadline: Friday June 11, 2010

Program Location:

Baptist HealthPlex
102 Clinton Parkway
Clinton, MS 39056

Read about this beautiful wellness center:

About The Presenter

Geoff Hampton specializes in hospital based wellness center and large multi-purpose health club staff team development. He is the creator of the GLH Open Systems Management model that is revolutionizing the way businesses analyze their true performance effectiveness through bench mark standardization in all departments. His primary focus is net membership growth. In creating the culture required for maximum net membership growth Hampton educates attendees and clients about the critical relationship between membership sales, group exercise, personal training and membership referrals for the “not yet fit”.

What will you and your staff team learn?

Personal training is an area that our industry has long underestimated. We require our personal trainers to have recognized personal training certifications, yet as an industry we have no expectation that they will know how to develop the clubs personal training business.

In this dynamic staff training program you and your staff will learn how to develop significant client increases while avoiding the stigma of “selling” personal training. Learn about the importance of benchmark performance standardization, performance tracking, developing a continuum of personal training for the “not yet fit” and how to create a comprehensive club culture designed for maximum personal training performance.

Also learn how to create a dynamic relationship whereby your membership sales staff help educate, motivate and lead new members to your personal trainers in a manner that almost assures new client development.

Who Should Attend?

Hospital Administrators, Executive Directors, Programming Department Heads, Personal Training Directors, Directors of Rehab, Personal Training Staff, Rehab Staff, Group Exercise Directors, Sales Managers, Sales Staff & Front Desk Department Heads.

Registration Pricing: $129 per person

Mail In Registration Form (Call to guarantee registration space)

Your Name: _____________________________________________

Your Title: ______________________________________________

Your E-mail Address: _____________________________________

Club or Business Name: ___________________________________

Street/Mailing Address: ____________________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

Business Phone #: ________________________

I have enclosed a check for $________________

Make all checks payable to: Club Marketing Resources

Mail to:

CMRI - Perform-MAX Systems
P. O. Box 30891
Knoxville, TN 37930

OR - Call for PayPal credit card payment option

Additional Attendees:

1. _________________________________________________

Title: ________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

Title: ________________________________________________

Registration is strictly limited for maximum impact for attendees.

Call today to register! (865) 687-8554

Or E-Mail