Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Weekly Fitness Challenge Returns! 01/01/10


On January 1, 2010 we kick-off another motivating 12 week campaign designed to encourage regular exercisers to reach out to those they know who are not yet exercising and get them started! Obviously January 1st is a great time to do that because of "New Years Resolutions"!

Every year millions of people worldwide imagine, "This year I'm going exercise!" as a New Years Resolution. However, for the not yet fit that notion is usually short lived. That is why The Weekly Fitness Challenge is so important! The Challenge engages fun exercise programs rooted in a motivated and supported environment and lead by a certified exercise professional! This is the best chance the not yet fit have to begin a life changing exercise program.

This next 12 week campaign will also blend Personal Training and strong Nutritional education into the program. Group Exercise (Aerobics) is the perfect starting point for the not yet fit. The next best step is Personal Training. Along with both of those exercise prescriptions is the dire need for strong and palatable Nutritional education for maximum overall health enhancement.

Each week we will feature a specific Group Exercise format and encourage regular exercisers to reach out to their friends, family members and co-workers that need to exercise and are not yet doing so to lead them to these fun and motivating exercise options!

We also encourage you to join us on FaceBook to report who you took, what class they took and how each enjoyed it as a way of visually motivating others. We also encourage you to report the same info on Twitter using the hashtag #weeklyfitnesschallenge.

Here are some examples of the fun and motivating Group Exercise Class formats which will be featured during the campaign:

During this 12 week campaign ( Click here for a great 12 week journal for your friends to use to track their progress --> ) we will be featuring great clubs with great Group Exercise programs from around the globe that you can take your friends, family members and co-workers to knowing that if we recommend it...its well worth going to! If you know a great club that has strong Group Exercise let us know. We will feature them if they qualify. All we ask is that the featured club promotes The Weekly Fitness Challenge in return.

Like Thomas Edison said, "There ain't no rules around here. We're trying to accomplish something"! JUST DO IT!

In order to truly create dynamic global health and fitness evolution - it requires a powerful grass roots effort.

WRITE, CALL, E-MAIL and CHALLENGE folks to "wakeup" and see the international crisis of ill health, and engage in a powerful solution! THE WEEKLY FITNESS CHALLENGE!

Some have said that our positive message isn't negative enough to garner national or international media! Change that! Lead them to cover something positive...just for a unique change of venue! They might actually help folks improve the quality of their lives and help stem the tidal wave of preventable disease, conditions and afflictions that are directly related to sedentary living!

Some have said that we haven't contributed enough money to Political Campaigns to garner assistance from leading Politicians from around the globe! Change that! Encourage them to engage in REAL Healthcare reform! Healthcare reform begins with each individual!

Some have said that we don't have enough Political cronies to garner National Governmental leadership help from around the world! Change that! Encourage them to act on something that NEEDS to be acted upon!

Some have said that we are not famous enough or "pretty" enough to garner big time Celebrity support! Change that! Encourage them to join The Weekly Fitness Challenge and support something that can improve the health of millions worldwide!

Some have said we are not "connected enough" to deserve support from large distinguished Groups or Associations! Change that! Encourage them to look past their tunnel vision and support a unique grass roots initiative that has already made a profound difference in raising international awareness about exercise and its importance to good health!

Some say we are not "important" enough for healthcare entities since their primary mission is to fill hospital beds and ours is to vacate them! Change that! Encourage them to serve what should be their primary mission! Driving "OPTIMAL" health instead of "NORMAL" health and watch the health of communities worldwide prosper!

If you are wondering about whether or not YOU should get involved, simply ask yourself this question, "Whose job is it to reach out to those who need to exercise and are not yet doing so?" THE ANSWER? It is all of us together! NOBODY else is going to do it! That's right! There is no "RED PILL", there is no "BLUE PILL" that people can take and suddenly become regular exercisers! So JOIN US!


To request additional information about The Weekly Fitness Challenge or provide feedback - Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton:

On Twitter:

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